[openstandaarden] Tekst ivm nadelen Word-documenten?

Andy Goossens andygoossens at softhome.net
Tue Apr 23 14:42:08 CEST 2002

On Tuesday 23 April 2002 14:20, Sven Vermeulen wrote:
> Ter aanleiding van een discussie in een stuverbijeenkomst van de faculteit
> waar ik in zit had ik een tekstje gemaakt met daarin de nadelen van
> Word-documenten. Nu vraag ik me af of een dergelijke tekst past in
> openstandaarden.be? Ze is immers duidelijk gemaakt door iemand die
> Word-formaten niet graag ziet afkomen waardoor openstandaarden.be zou
> kunnen gezien worden als een anti-M$ site.

Ik heb dit daarjuist op een mailinglist gezien:

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An excerpt from Mr. Gates' testimony today, at least according to the


During the hearing, Mr Gates insisted that Microsoft did not block other
companies' ability to work with Windows, and said it did everything it
could to disclose soruce code - the nuts and bolts of software - to its

But laywers for the states opposing the settlement reached between
Microsoft and the Justice Department challenged this. 

In an echo of previous trials, where old emails were found which
directly contradicted Microsoft employees' testimony, antitrust expert
Steve Kuney introduced an internal memo. 

In it, Mr Gates told employees to stop working on ways of making sure
that documents from the Office suite - Microsoft's "killer app" - were
compatible with rival web browsers. 

"Allowing Office to be rendered very well by other people's browers is
one of the most destructive things we can do to the company," he wrote. 

Mr Gates insisted that was simply a matter of stopping work which wasn't
achieving its goals.


Andy Goossens -- andygoossens at softhome dot net

"Use the Source, Luke..."

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