[Openstandaarden] de vrt leert bij?

Mattias Campe Mattias.Campe at UGent.be
Wed Jun 16 23:35:20 CEST 2004

Wouter Horré wrote:
> Op wo 16-06-2004, om 22:29 schreef Mattias Campe:
>>Euhm, hier ben ik te vlug geweest: ik heb eerlijkheidshalve niet gekeken 
>>hoe die websites eruitzien in IE, mijn excuses. Momenteel heb ik geen 
>>toegang tot IE, maar mocht blijken dat de voorstellen van 
>>csszengarden.com er goed uitzien in IE, dan is dat zeker de moeite waard 
>>om door te sturen als suggestie!
>>Mijn excuses om er te snel vanuit te gaan dat ze er zouden slecht 
>>uitzien in IE.
> <quote bron="www.ccszengarden.com">
> We would like to see as much CSS1 as possible. CSS2 should be limited to
> widely-supported elements only. The css Zen Garden is about functional,
> practical CSS and not the latest bleeding-edge tricks viewable by 2% of
> the browsing public. The only real requirement we have is that your CSS
> validates.
> Unfortunately, designing this way highlights the flaws in the various
> implementations of CSS. Different browsers display differently, even
> completely valid CSS at times, and this becomes maddening when a fix for
> one leads to breakage in another. View the Resources page for
> information on some of the fixes available. Full browser compliance is
> still sometimes a pipe dream, and we do not expect you to come up with
> pixel-perfect code across every platform. But do test in as many as you
> can. If your design doesn’t work in at least IE5+/Win and Mozilla (run
> by over 90% of the population), chances are we won’t accept it.
> </quote>

Prachtig! Ik moest enkel wat verder gekeken hebben dan dat mijn neus 
lang is. 't Probleem is dat die neus in de examens altijd wat korter is ;).


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